“If you always do what you’ve
always done, you’ll always get
what you’ve always got.”
A marketing strategy will help you focus but depends on you
understanding your customers.
Marketing Strategy and Lead Generation Processes
“If you always do what you’ve always done,
you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
A marketing strategy will help you focus but depends on you understanding your customers.
Marketing Strategy and Lead Generation Processes
A marketing strategy will help you focus. It will identify the different ways you should be communicating with your prospects, your clients and your key accounts and will help you concentrate on those accounts that will create the most profit for your business.
An effective strategy will help you tailor your messages and put the right mix of marketing approaches in place so that you bring your sales and marketing activities together in an effective marketing plan.
Knowing your customers
A successful marketing strategy depends on understanding your customers and your prospects, what they need and how you persuade them to buy from you.
There's no substitute for knowledge. Experience and regular two-way communication will tell you a lot about your customers.
Making a plan
A marketing plan explains how to put your strategy into action. It will set marketing budgets and deadlines, but it will also tell you how you're going to talk to your target customers - whether that's through email marketing, advertising, networking, going to trade shows, direct marketing, digital marketing, social media, through your websites etc.
Preparatory Marketing Activity
You must develop offerings for each of your vertical markets…you must include unique selling propositions/key differentiators (in terms of service or product offerings & client benefits) and a series of “packages” applicable to each of your vertical markets.
- Brand every piece of marketing collateral identically…include your UPB statement or strap-lines (these articulate in writing the most important benefits of your offerings)…a strategy on all required printed materials should be developed
- Create a UPB (unique perceived benefit) statement that articulates in writing the most important benefits of your service offering for use on all future marketing communications……
"Red hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less - guaranteed."
Tom Monahan of Dominos Pizza created one of the most successful fast food businesses in the world from the strength of this UPB.
- Clean your existing prospect postal and email databases and further develop these prospect databases with targeted email/postal databases for each vertical…accurate email and postal data for each of your vertical markets is vital as the start point for most marketing processes.
- Create “irresistible offers” for your propositions…for each offer it’s vital to communicate a “Reason Why”…if you don’t add this “irresistible offers” lack credibility to those to whom the offer is communicated.
Two of the great marketing books give great prominence to giving “reasons why”...
'Whenever you make a claim or special offer in your advertising or direct mail communications come up with the honest reason-why, and then state it sincerely. You'll sell much more *products and services* this way.'
- Billion Dollar Marketing - Maxwell Sackheim
- Develop a “risk reversal strategy”…in every business transaction there's a risk involved and 99% of the time it's the person or business who buys your product or service who takes on this risk…this risk is often what prevents many people from buying.
Note….an effective risk reversal strategy allows a business to charge a premium for its products or services without affecting the order book
- Obtain testimonials from current delighted clients for future use on all marketing communications
- Develop case studies from previously delighted clients for use in lead generation campaigns and as part of your sales conversion process… obtain case studies from as many key clients as possible
- Develop “packages of products” for use by external sales personnel for differing times of the year
- Develop multi-media, multi-stage marketing campaigns for each vertical market